
Friday, August 16, 2024

Pickle Words: Crunchy, Punchy Pickles and Poetry by April Pulley Sayre--posted by Mary Ann Rodman


Welcome to the Pickle Party! Who knew there were was so much poetry in pickles? My dear friend, the late April Pulley Sayre, that's who! Fans of Sayre's "chant books" (Trout, Trout, Trout and Rah, Rah, Radishes) will recognize the style of these short punchy poems about the multicultural world of pickles in Pickle Words: Crunchy, Punchy Pickles and Poetry.

"Gherkins workin'/Mustard--wow!/Piccalilli/Chowchow now!"is a sample of the pungent, picklicious poetry, combined with commentary, history and recipes of fermented food. From kosher dills to kimchi, chowchow to chutney, Sayre represents a variety of cultures and countries. Jialei Sun's multimedia illustrations feature children in a range of skin tones concocting and consuming the many sorts of pickled foods. 

However, this more than a paean to pickles. It's a love song to the power of punchy words. In the author's note, Sayre writes of her love of "delicious words...these kinds of words feel good in your mouth." An impromptu word association exercise during a school visit inspired this book. The original topic of the school visit was "whales." Only April could've described a whale as "pickle-shaped"...and then segued into asking her students "what are some words that describe pickles?" I can just hear her "tasting" each word before selection in this collection. April taught me the art of brainstorming word choices when I was writing A Tree for Emmy. Since then, I've started every picture book project with a list of associated words. I've included a "word list" exercise in every class I've taught.

April Pulley Sayre left this world way too soon, but how like her to leave us with a playful pickle party.

I miss her.

Mary Ann Rodman


  1. Thanks for this terrific post, Mary Ann. I miss April too!

  2. What a delicious-sounding book—just ordered it. I love April's work, and am eager to read Pickles to my little granddaughter. My mouth is watering...

  3. Mary Ann ~ April Pulley Sayre was it remarkable writer and more. Her photography and rollicking rhyme in Rah, Rah, Radishes and the books in that series never fail to inspire me. You, Mary Ann, inspire me, too!

  4. I love this. Pickle Words, yes! April is still inspiring. And that makes her still remarkable.


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