
Friday, February 26, 2021

A Song of the Week: Here's to You!

Life has gotten a bit too demanding of late. Just wanted to let you know that I'll be taking a hiatus from Teaching Authors for a bit while I take care of a few things. Meanwhile, sent to me by my dear friend, code name Clara, I'll leave you with this shivery tear-worthy song. It will certainly make your week. It did mine!

Hope all is going well with you, and I'll see you soon!

--Bobbi Miller


  1. Beautiful! Life is on your time taking care of it.

  2. Bobbi! I immediately listened to Baba Yetu and now it's on my YouTube playlist. There's so much amazing music outside our culture to explore. I hope you remember to breathe and can take a little time to smell the spring flowers. xox


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