
Friday, June 29, 2012

Write a Hidden Word Poem for Poetry Friday!

Howdy Campers--happy Poetry Friday!  Happy Summer!

Truly a summer girl...from
So--how's life?

Well, if you're poet and author B.J. Lee, life is pretty great, because you've just won our giveaway from my June 22nd interview of poet David L. Harrison.  B.J. won David's new poetry book, Cowboys! Congratulations, B.J!  (B.J, btw, along with David himself and Teaching Authors Carmela Martino and JoAnn Early Macken, will have a poem in the forthcoming poetry anthology, And The Crowd Goes Wild! A Global Gathering of Sports Poems!)

Ah, summertime!  When I read Carmela's post below, asking for our favorite summertime writing venues, I knew exactly what I'd answer.  Coffee shops.  I love, love, love working in coffee shops.  I love the blur of words around me that aren't directed at me.  I love the energy.  I love that no plants are asking to be watered, no Eli is making big-puppy eyes, asking to be walked, no refrigerator is singing sexy songs to me...yay, coffee shops!

My refrigerator sings sexy songs to me when I'm trying to write...does yours?

As you may remember, I write one poem every day.  And as you might imagine, not every one is a great poem.  Or even a good poem.

So I have what I call PHPs...Place Holder Poems.  A PHP is my wild card, it's what I call a "not-very-good-poem-but-at-least-I-wrote-a-poem-today" poem.

Last July I was playing with writing poems and hiding words in them.

Here's a Hidden Word poem that's definitely a PHP...(I'm only sharing this with you because I know you understand about writing stinky poems...)

by April Halprin Wayland

Mom's CAMPaigning for us to turn off the TV.
if we do, she says we’ll have a great summer.

She says we have to pay atTENTion
or we’ll miss the falling stars.

I like exploring in the foREST—
it's don't know, relaxing.

So, what do you think we should do
after we catch a sNAPping turtle?

  Hidden Word Poems

1) Decide on a theme.  I chose summer.

2) Make a list of simple words that might nestle inside other words. 

My list:
camp, tent, rest, nap. (My first brainstorming list was much longer:
sun, slow, no school, sand, barefeet, toes, swim, moon, stars, beach, ocean, sea, sail, sleep, peanuts, popcorn, crackerjacks, win, hotdog, rest, nap, goof, play...)

3) Can you weave your words into a poem? Give it a try!

4) Remember to write with joy ~

If this doesn't say summer, I don't know what does...from

And hey!  TeachingAuthors will be taking a summer break, July 1-15th!  We'll be back on July 16th to celebrate TeachingAuthor Mary Ann Rodman's The Rollercoaster Kid--yay, Mary Ann!

Tah-tah for now!  And happy first half of July! ~ April Halprin Wayland

Poem and drawing (c) 2012 April Halprin Wayland. All rights reserved. (Yes, even if it is a stinky poem.)

 Poetry Friday is hosted by The Paper Tigers today--thanks, gang!


  1. I'm thrilled to have won an autographed copy of COWBOYS! Can't wait to get it in the mail. Thanks for hosting David L. Harrison on your blog. It was a very interesting interview. I love David anyway and his blog is terrific as well. Thanks again.

    BJ Lee

  2. Thank you for your honesty about your poem a day poems, and for the new term I'm borrowing -- PHP! I love the idea of hidden words and will be doing some brainstorming tomorrow for my (maybe good, maybe not) poem a day!

  3. I love this idea and thank you for bravely sharing your example, even if you're not 100% happy with it - personally, I ca't even claim to a PHP so can only stand back in admiration - and I will defintily hold this up my sleeve as a rainy day activity for when my kids break up for the holidays. And have a gtrat break yourself.

  4. I love those coffee shops, too, April! And I'm going to give your Hidden Word challenge a try - looks like fun.

  5. Your hidden words got me excited for a camping adventure I am leaving for in two days! I am sure poems from West Virginia will be a plenty and now I have a new prompt idea at that. Thanks!

  6. Yay, BJ!

    And hey, Mary, Marjorie,Julie and Betsy~
    if you come up with any Hidden Word poems, I'd love to see 'em! I only wrote one that was worth anything and I'm thinking of including it in a book, so I won't "pre-publish" it here...


  7. There are about 5 different ideas for new kinds of poems today, April, including your hidden word one. How clever it is, even though PHP. Nice term that-can't throw it, must hold it! Thanks for all of your enthusiasm. You make me smile every time I read one of the posts! Happy vacation!

  8. As always, thanks for stopping by, Linda at teacherdance! Your comments always make ME smile!

  9. I love the idea of a poem a day. It helps shoosh away that nagging critic that tells me everything I write most be wonderful! Have a great fourth!!

  10. Hi, Carolee!

    Yes--that's exactly "shooshes" that feeling away.
    No more wondering whether or not I'm a writer or not.

  11. I just saw your summer picture book video -- adorable!!


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