
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Word Builder Giveaway Winner and Upcoming Topics

The winner of a free autographed copy of Ann Whitford Paul’s picture book, Word Builder, illustrated by Kurt Cyrus, is Corey Schwartz!

In response to our question regarding a favorite book on writing for children and/or young adults, Corey posted:

"I like Heidi Bine-Stock's series How to Write a Children's Picture Book. (I own two of the three volumes.)"
Congratulations, Corey! And thank you to all who shared their favorites. As a follow-up to our contest, next week we will share some of our favorite books on writing in general. This is in response to an Ask the Teaching Authors question. (Since I won't be posting next week, you can see some of my favorites listed in my column for the SCBWI-Illinois Prairie Wind.)

Also, if you didn't win this time, stay tuned! We will have another book giveaway on Monday, September 28, in conjunction with our first Guest Teaching Author/Illustrator interview.


  1. A great website, I am a teacher and I have recently had my first children's novel published. I really enjoyed browsing over your information.

  2. Hi Ashley,
    Welcome! And congratulations on your publication.

  3. Back in town (after being away for Rosh Hashanah) and just wanted to say "Thanks again!"


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