
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Our First "Ask the TeachingAuthors" Question

As Esther mentioned yesterday, our current series of posts is in response to an "Ask the TeachingAuthors" question submitted by one of our blog readers--our first question, in fact! It was sent in by Michelle T, a librarian in Ohio who is working on a young-adult novel.

The following is an excerpt from Michelle's email:
"My challenge, and why I'm writing you today, is that my main character in the YA novel is partly based on myself as a freshman in high school-- although she's definitely evolving into her own distinct personality -- and sometimes I'm too caught up in not wanting her to be me, but still feeling too connected to her to let her be distinctive. . . .

Do you have any quick tricks or tips on how to use memories and feelings and experiences, yet still create a separate, distinct, three-dimensional character?"
Michelle directed her question specifically to Mary Ann Rodman. Mary Ann will share her response tomorrow, along with a related Writing Workout. Additionally, because we all receive questions about "turning life into fiction" from our students, the rest of us will be sharing our thoughts on the subject as well. To access all the posts on the topic, see "Turning Life into Fiction."

If you have a writing-related question for the Teaching Authors, or a topic you'd like us to address, I invite you to use the link in the sidebar to send it to us.


  1. That's a great question! I can't wait to read your response!

    Beth Fehlbaum, author
    Courage in Patience, a story of HOPE..
    Ch. 1 is online!

  2. Hi Beth,
    We initially had some technical difficulties with Mary Ann's post this morning, but they've been corrected now so you can read her response to this terrific question. The rest of us will continue to address the same topic over the next 10 days. Do let us know if you find our responses helpful.


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