I believe if I lived my life again
I'd still be here with you
I believe if I lived my life again
I'd still be here with you
I can’t find an easy download of the music, but the lyrics are here.
New Year contest and book giveaway!
Remember our post (and book giveaway) about setting goals for the new school year?
Remember your own goals? Well, the six of us at Teaching Authors can’t wait to hear how you’re doing. And because there are SIX of us, we’d like you to send us a SIX word progress report. To jog your memory, here's Carmela Martino’s original post about six word memoirs and here is my follow-up post about six word resolutions.
Here’s my own progress report:
Writing, submitting, teaching—I’m on fire!
What’s yours? Post it by January 13th and you could win my picture book NEW YEAR AT THE PIER, which Tablet Magazine just named it Best Jewish Picture Book of the Year! Contest details below.
Wanna Win a Book? Rules:
1) Post one six word progress report on your writing, reading or teaching goal…or your revised goal.
2) Provide your email address or a link to your own blog in your comment so that we can contact you. (U.S. residents only, please.)
3) Entries must be posted by 11 p.m. Wednesday, January 13, 2010 (Central Standard Time).
4) The winner will be announced by 11 p.m., Friday, January 15, 2010.
Here are the complete rules (scroll down)--g'luck!
And now for the poem...from me to you. (Please imagine that the first stanza below is four lines and all the rest are three lines...this format doesn't allow lines quite that long!)
Because we lost Fred last year, because I had one last kiss from
because of this slant of sun on bees buzzing from their white boxes,
this year
and let’s not miss these arms, these generous arms,
© April Halprin Wayland
Two things in this New Year: remember to breathe and write with joy.
April, congratulations on NEW YEAR AT THE PIER being named Best Jewish Picture Book of the Year by TABLET MAGAZINE. What an honor!
I loved your poem. 2009 has been a year of goodbyes- selling a much loved home, watching a much loved friend/mentor go into the darkness of Alzheimers, watching my teenagers become men (a happy and sad thing). Your poem reminds me to breathe, and not miss the goodness. Thanks.
My six-word resolution:
Revise and submit until it sells.
I just received my revision notes from my agent and want this third novel to be THE ONE THAT SELLS! Come on, Karma, be good to me.
Six-word resolution:
Submit Young Adult Manuscript to Agents
Margo Dill
Release procrastination and write,revise,submit.
My six-word resolution:
Continue small steps. Find slushpile summit.
Sheri Dillard
thedillard5 at yahoo dot com
Happy New Year and a Happy New Inspiring Decade to you all! BALD EGO blog
As someone who has never made a New Year's resolution (until now), I have very much enjoyed reading everyone else's. Kym, you pretty much encapsulated it all --"revise and submit until it sells." Mazel tov to us all!
Writing to shape small souls forever!
Can you tell I love to write for wee ones? ;-)
Great post and poem! Loved it. Here's my 6-word plan for the new year:
Seeking sweet spot on library shelf.
Mazel Tov, April!! It's so well-deserved.
No need to enter me. I'm dropping in 'cause Carmela asked me to post about this at Win a Book. Which, of course, I'm glad to do.
Expect Goals Realized, Envision Miraculous Results
Teaching touches hearts, minds and souls
Forget resolutions - Dream your best life!
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